共找到 28 条结果
Roost Island (GM) The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - Dragon Roost Island By Kenta Nagata, Hajimi Wakai, Toru Minegishi, Koji
Introduction (C) composed by Koji Kondo sequenced by Kooper909 e-mail: kooper909@nmidi.com ** Please!
www.kit.hi-ho.ne.jp/sthiza/ The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time #7 宝箱 (Open Treasure Box) [GM] 1998 Nintendo, originally composed by Koji
sthiza/ The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time #56 嵐の歌 (Ocarina "Song of Storms") [GM] 1998 Nintendo, originally composed by Koji
sthiza/ The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time #27 エポナの歌 (Ocarina "Epona's Song") [GM] 1998 Nintendo, originally composed by Koji
www.kit.hi-ho.ne.jp/sthiza/index_e.html The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Agitha's Castle [GM] 2006 Nintendo Originally composed by Koji
1940 Radio Jazz (part 8): Super Mario World Remixed Theme Sequenced by: Alex Lee Composed by: Koji Kondo Sequencing Programs
(not Koji Kondo) Sequenced by Leopold McGinnis June 1998 Build time: uh...like half an hour Despite the horrible wretchedness