共找到 32 条结果
\Y_a- t_il un sort, un signe /Est_ce un doigt qui dé signe /Celle ou ce lui qui va /Re non cer pas à pas
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LITAL @TGrazie Roma @TAntonello Venditti \Dim mi co s'è /che ci fa sen ti re
\Oh dream ma ker you hea rt b r e a k er, /Whe re ver you're go ing, /You're go i ng my way .
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TIn_my_life @TLennon/McCartney \There are pla ces I re mem ber
\Dans cet a vion /Qui t'em mène en An gle ter re.
\Un a po ca de gra cia pa ra mi pa ra ti /y ar ri ba y ar ri ba /ar ri ba ar ri ba por ti se re \por ti
hearts nev er mend /Some mem o ries never end /Some tea rs will never dry /My love for you will never die \Re
chorus macro chorus pre-lpf chorus level(master) chorus feedback chorus delay chorus rate chorus depth chorus send level>re
/Born a babe on Beth leh em's plain; \Gold we bring to crown Him a gain; /King fo re ver, ceas ing ne v er,
/I re mem ber that ni ght in May /The sta rs were bri ght a b o v e /I' ll ho pe and I' ll pr ay /to keep
/Pue do vi vir sin e llos yo /Le pi do al cie lo só lo un de se o \Que en tus o jos yo pue da vi vir /He re