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LENGL @TIN THE ARMY NOW @TStatus Quo \A va ca tion in the fo reign land /Un cle Sam does the best he can /You're
near /You were so sin cere /Treat me like you did /The night be fore \Last night is the night /I will re
Sora /a me a ga ri no ma chi wa /P RI S M no ka ga ya ki /to ji ta ka sa ka ra /to bi chi ru JEW E L \ma da nu re
er came /They go on lov ing you just the same /I know that some bod y's try in \So please, /Re
\She's the kind of girl you want so much /it makes you sor ry /Still you don't re gret a sin gle day \Ah
WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TNo Reply @TBy The Beatles \This hap pened once be fore /When I came to your door /No re