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Lang becomes Ant-Man, trained by Pym and armed with a suit that allows him to shrink in size, possess superhuman strength
/And I'm not keep ing up the strength I need to push me.
For all Your goodness I will keep on singing Ten thousand reasons For my heart to find And on that day When my strength
\And then a he ro comes a long /With the strength to car ry on, \And you cast your fears a side /And you
/I could feel your strength and your de vo tion. \What was so clear is now o ver cast.
\And then a he ro comes a long /with the strength to car ry
you bought it back for me /And held me up and gave me dig ni ty /Some how you need ed me \You gave me strength
search ing for an ans wer /I ne ver seem to find what I'm look ing fo r /Oh lord I pray /You give me strength
can /und er stand me /When ev ery thing I /do is wrong /You give me hope /and con sol at ion /You give me strength
of dreams a round you /I'm so glad I found you \I'll be there with a love that's strong /I'll be your strength