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@TSequenced by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \We are down, we're cra zy fools /Eve ry day at school.
#AUT#John Schlegel \I was n't je alous be fore we met /Now eve ry wo man I see is a po ten tial threat \And
20041 \I don't wan na live wi thout your love \I can't i ma gine /Loo king in some one el se's eyes /What we
\Bit ter sweet me mo ries /that is all I'm ta king with me \So good bye, please don't cry /We both know I'm
ly /Is n't she won der ful /Is n't she pre cious /Less than one mi nute old /I ne ver thought, through love we'd
@LENGL @TTHE SHOW MUST GO ON @TQueen \Em pty spa ces, what are we li ving for /A ban doned pla ces, I guess I
them guys ain't dumb \May be get a blis ter on your lit tle fin ger /May be get a blis ter on your thumb \We
\I on ce had a girl, /or should I say /she on ce had me \She show ed me her room, /Isn't it good, Nor we
lone with my head on the phone /Thin king of you till it hurts \I know you hurt too but what else can we