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dad said we looked ri dic u lous But boy, we broke some hearts In and out of jobs run ning free
farm /I'm gonna join in a rock and roll band /I'm gon na camp out on the land /And try and get my soul free
and a two dol lar bill /And I know a spot right o ver the hill \There's sod a pop and the danc in's free
\These days are all, /Hap py and Free. /These days are all, /Share in the dream.
sert /It all seems like yes ter day, not far a way \Tro pi cal the is land breeze /All of na ture, wild and free
named Boo /Trav ell in' and liv in' off the land /Me, and you and a dog named Boo /How I love be ing a free
\Bab y, some times I'm so care free, /With a joy that's hard to hide.
/Ride like the wind to be free a gain. \And I got such a long way to go.
\Take these bro ken wings, /and learn to fly a gain /learn to live so free.
/Cause the free wind
tar on the M T V \That ain't wor king that's the way you do it /Mo ney for no thing and your chicks for free
FILE @KV0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENG @TKNOWING ME KNOWING YOU @TABBA \No more care free
/Your blood like win ter free zes just like ice, \And there's a cold lone ly light /that shines from you.
\Don't ques tion why she needs /to be so free /Tell you it's the on ly \way to be /She just can't be chain
/Like free dom fields where wild hor ses run. \When stars col lide like you and I, /No sha dow
can't sleep at night /You reall y got me /You reall y got me /You reall y got me \Seed don't ev er set me free
\I'm al ways trav 'lin, I love be ing free, /And so I keep lea ving the sun and the sea, /But my heart
it get a way /Been pray in' eve ry day \When you were so in love with me /I played a round, like I was free
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TJump ("short" version) @TVAN HALEN @T"Karakan"oked by Filipe Bento 15/05/96 00:06 @WFeel free
KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LFrançais @TLes bêtises @TSabine Paturel @Thttp://multiples.free.fr