共找到 513 条结果
\Quan ta fret ta ma do ve /cor ri do ve vai /se ci ascol ti per un /mo men to ca pi rai /lui è il gatto /ed
pa ra ti /y ar ri ba y ar ri ba /ar ri ba ar ri ba por ti se re \por ti se re por ti se re /Yo no soy ma
Beatles @TKaraoked by Jens Ackermann \Pic ture your self in a boat on a ri ver /With tan ge rine trees and mar ma
hands, put your hands /In side my face and see that it's just you /But it's bad and it's mad /And it's ma
/I won't let you, /In a gain, /The mes sa ges, /I've tried to send, /My in for ma tions, /Just not go ing in.
man just re leased from in den ture \As a drea mer of dreams and a tra ve ling man /I have chalked up ma
yest er days life /Some where a queen is weep ing /Somewhere a king has no wife /And the wi nd, it cri es Ma
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWhite Christmas @TXmas Carol ( Irving Berlin ) \I'm dream ing of a white Christ mas /...
hill, it cal ls to me \To be where lit tle ca ble cars /Cli mb half way to the stars \The mo rn ing fog ma
\For Christ is born of Ma ry /and ga ther ed al l a bove.
uh oh, oh no no \Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no \Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no \His to ry in the ma
make this change in me /For it's true , you are my des ti ny /When you hold my hand I understand /The ma
Trempelmann \When I was young, /it seemed that life was so won der ful, /a mir a cle, oh it was beau ti ful, ma
the bees en vy me /I've got a swee ter song than the birds in the trees \I guess you'd say /What can ma
\Have you seen the old man /in the closed down ma r ket, \Kick ing up the pa per /with his worn out shoes
\Vi va Ma ri a /Vi va Vic to ria /Aph ro di ta /Vi va le di va /Vi va Vic to ria /Cle o pa tra \Si lent tears drop
br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TLET IT BE @TThe Beatles \When I find my self in times of trou ble, /Mo ther Ma
Don't Know @TCeline Dion \A moun tain of stone, a door of steel /Can't stand in my way, I'd go on /Bru tal ma