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In ev ery thing you said to me /yeah huh that's right \If some one said three years from n ow /You'd be long
\Long time a go in Beth le hem /so The Ho ly Bi ble say, \Ma ry's Boy child, /Je sus Christ was born on Christ
\All the lo nely peo ple, /where do they all be long? \Fa ther M
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSuperstar @TThe Carpenters \Long a go, and, oh so far a way /I fell in love with
cnct.com) \Used to be that I be li eved in some thing /Used to be that I be lieved in love \It's been a long
\I was dream ing while I drove /The long straight road a he ad. /Uh huh, yeah.
\The sum mer sun looked down /On our love long a go \But in my heart I feel /The same old aft er glow \A
\And I thought what I felt was sim ple, /and I thought that I don't be long, \and now that I am leav ing
\I stopped an old man along the way /hop ing to find some long for got ten words /or ancient me lo dies.
\You try e very thing you can to es cape /The pain of life that you know \When all else fails and you long
Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TINVISIBLE TOUCH @TGenesis \Well I've been wait ing, /Wait ing here so long
kind /Sweet de sti ny \Car ried me through des pe ration /To the one that was wai ting for me \It took so long
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TI Will @TBy the Beatles \Who knows how long
\And I got such a long way to go. /To make it to the bor der of Mex i co.
Wheels go round and round /You're on my mind \Rest less hearts sleep a lone to night /Send ing all my love /a long
take a look at my life /and re a lise there's nu thin' left \Coz I've been blas ting and laugh ing /so long
lives were torn a part /You called out to our coun try, /and you whis pered to those in pain /Now you be long
raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TSEPTEMBER MORN @TNeil Diamond \Stay for just a while, let me lo ok a t you /Been so long
/Thin king of the fear I've had for so long. \When some bo dy hears, /lis ten to the fear that's gone.
Long 02 (Rooftop) @MM;20;1 @MM;20;2 @MM;20;3 @MM;20;4 @MM;20;5 @MM;20;6 @MM;20;7 @MM;20;8 @MM;20;9 @MM;20;10 @MM;20;11 @MM