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"Catacombs" - Castlevania Circle of the Moon (catac) Re-sequenced from scratch, by ear, (ugh :P ^^) - for GM by SCT (Note
cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TMOONLIGHT SHADOW @TMike Oldfield \The last that e ver she saw him /Car ried a way by a moon
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @MSKS @Universal Lyrics Editor @MDR SOFTWARE @E-mail: mdr@lgs.it \When the moon hits your eye
is right /you fall in love for the first time /heart beat and kis ses so sweet /sum mer time love in the moon
hear me to night /cause my feel ing is just so right /as we dance by the moon light /can't you see you're
Converted from moon.cmf by CMF2MID v1.01
沼仓爱美)、秋月律子(CV.若林直美) 偶像大师 灰姑娘女孩 New Generations:岛村卯月(CV.大桥彩香)、涩谷凛(CV.福原绫香)、本田未央(CV.原纱友里) 偶像大师 百万现场 Strawberry Pop Moon
want something just like this I've been reading books of old The legends and the myths The testaments they told The moon
/Has the moon lost his mem 'ry? /She is smil ing a lone.
Per haps some one you know could spark le and shine /Day dreams slide to col or from shad ow /Pic ture the moon
KARAOKE FILE @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TStand By Me / When the light has come / And the land is dark / And the moon
you were born /The an gels got to gether /And de cid ed to cre ate a dream come true /So they sprin kled moon
"The Clock Tower" - The "Clockwork" remix for Castlevania Circle of the Moon (clockt) Author unknown Resequenced for GM
\While the moon her watch is kee ping, /All through the night. /While the wear y world is slee pin
the Feast of Ste phen, /When the snow lay round a bout, Deep and crisp and e ven; /Bright ly shone the moon
sky /Why can t we get it right \cause we all live un der the same sun /We all walk un der the same moon
/I don't know if it's cloud y or bright \'Cause I on ly have eyes for you, dear /The moon may be high \
XIN RU ZHI SHUI \Talking to the moon fàng bùxià de liyóu /shì bùshì huì danxin biànchéng yi zhi yeshòu /walking
TJames Taylor \In my mind I'm going to Ca ro lin a /Can't you see the sun shine /Can't you just feel the moon
You know I'm gon na be just like you And the cats in the cradle and the sil ver spoon, Little boy blue and the man in the moon