共找到 564 条结果
\Good bye, Jim my, good bye, /Good bye, Jim my, good bye, \I'll see you a gain but I don't know when, /Good bye
in my head a gain /And I know that it's not clear \Put your hands, put your hands /In side my face and see
(1987) <<< @T>>> I-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \Ba by /I see this world has made you sad /Some peo ple
yeah \There must be some word to day /From my boy friend so far away \Please Mis ter Post man, look and see
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T Separate Ways Elvis Presley @T kar by L-S Ouellet karaoke@courriel.qc.ca \I see a change
Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \No more run nin' down the wrong road /Dan cin' to a diff' rent drum /Can't you see
joao_campos@grupo.bfe.pt \If I can reach the stars, /Pull one down for you, /Shine it on my heart /So you could see
Redner @TKar'ed by : ElCid \O lit tle town of Beth le hem /how still w e see thee lie.
to tell /Some times it gets so hard to hide it well \I was not rea dy for the fall /Too blind to see
\While shep herds watch their /flocks by night, /them see a bright new shin ing star, /them hear a choir sing
\Wake up in the morn in', /see your sun rise loves to go down.
\I can see the des ti ny you sold, /turned in to a shin ing band of gold.
/And I hope you like jamm ing too \Ain't no rules, ain't no vow, we can do it any how /I and I will see
\So list en ver y care ful ly /Clos er now and you will see what I mean /It is n't a dream /The onl y sound
we both just moved on /When peo ple all stare /I'll pre tend that I don't hear them talk /When ev er I see
du du, who /Who wrote the book of love \I love you, da r ling /Ba by, you know I do /But I've got to see
\See them groceries run ning, /and you watch them dis ap pear. \With out love, where would you be now?
the weath er's fine /You got wom en, you got \wom en on your mind /Have a drink, have a drive /Go out and see
Tree / Rock in a round the Christ mas tree at the Christ mas part y hop / Mist le toe hung where you can see
\In his eyes you see no pride, /And held loose ly by his side, \yes ter day's pa per /tel ling yes ter day's