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Magic Trumpet Sequenced by: Don Carroll <donniec@ix.netcom.com>
I don't speak Japanese
狂用音型決戦兵器 mix 残酷な天使のテーゼ 2009VERSION 在TV版26话的最后部分还出现了两个由鹭巢诗郎编曲的纯音乐版本的《残酷天使的行动纲领》,曲名分别是《The Heady Feeling of Freedom》和《Good, or Don't
"MASH" theme Sequenced by: Don Carroll <donniec@ix.netcom.com>
It Don't Mean A Thing "It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)" Sequenced for GMIDI by GaryW0001 (@AOL.com)
TLyrics Added By Karaoke Krew Member Woof \You Hear the sound of the fall ing rain /Com ing down like an Ar ma ged don
我叫伊莲娜 Vocal by 伊莲娜 霍莱 Sequenced by Converse 0428/2003 Please don't modify balamb0334@sina.com
不想前进的时候,就暂且停下脚步吧,然后看看周 围看看背后 你看,我们永远都在这 是啊你们永远都在这 夜晚的星光在天上亮着 我也不能总在家里待着 我总是劝你走一走 吹吹风 心情好一点 我在卧室吼一吼 就晚上了 But I don't
Don't you married at the night!
我并不完美,但我努力做到最好 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start 从一开始我就是这么对你承诺 I'm not alive if I'm lonely, so please don't
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @TBy Lauriane @TMariah Carey - I don't wanna cry \Once a gain we sit in si len ce /A fter all
Merry Gentlemen Christmas Carol Sequenced by: Harold Doolan Remixed by: Martha Decker (Martha@deckernet.com) Remixed by: Don
"The Muppet Show" (theme) Sequenced by: Don Carroll <donniec@ix.netcom.com>
toe /Sil ver bells on str ing /If I wrote a let ter to San ta Claus /I would ask for just one thing \I don't
My Way sequenced by: Don Carroll donniec@ix.netcom.com
俺達のエクスプレス Don't be late! 乗り遅れにご注意! ガタゴト 夢を乗せ 風を切って進む どこまでも 指さし確認! あっち・こっち・どっちだ!? 君の駅までみちびけ!
Irving Berlin @TWhisper It 1963 Irving Berlin @Tby James Pitt-Payne, London UK - 6 Dec 2009 @T2009 \You love me /and I don't
\Cause I'm /Try in' to ex plain /Some thin's wrong /Ya just don't sound the same \Why don't you /Why don't you
"Strangers In The Night" Sequenced by: Don Carroll <donniec@ix.netcom.com>