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A coun try boy set out to see the world /Reme mber when those ne on lig hts shine do wn /That bi g old moon
**************** @W \And I swe a r /by the moon and the stars in the sky /I 'll be th e re \I sw e ar /like
\Night and day, you are the one, /On ly you be neath the moon
and bright /Laugh ing and gay /I'm just a stran ger /Love the Blues and the Braves \There is the sun and moon
/Woo -hoo, wit chy wo man, she got the moon in her eyes.
soul /from mi ra ge in your sight \If you hopes scat ter like /the dust a cross your track /I'll be the moon
for me /Dream sweet dreams for you \Close your eyes and I'll close mine /Good night sleep tight /Now the moon
/We triped the light /And danced to ge ther to the moon, \But where
and I'm a- wait ing on the twel ve- oh- five /Hop ing it'll take me /just a lit tle far ther down the line \Moon
well beaten path /It's funny how those memories they last /Like strawberry wine and seventeen /The hot July moon
so much that we share /That it's time we're a ware /It's a small world aft er all \There is just one moon
TTHRILLER @TMichael Jackson \It's close to mid night /And some thing e vil's lurk ing in the dark \Un der the moon
you ho ld me tight \Fe ver /In the mor ning /Fe ver a ll throu gh the night \Sun lights up the day time /Moon
risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TMoondance VAN MORRISON @TLyrics Entered by GSR \Well it's a marv e lous night for a moon
nameless @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @TSailor Moon - Tema @IKaraoke do Brasil - 1999 @Ihttp://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/6197
care /I Know \Ven tu ra High way /In the sun shine /Where the days are long er /The nights are strong er than moon
/A song of you comes as sweet and clear /as moon light through the pines.