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Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TKnockin' on Heaven's Door @TGuns'n Roses \Ma ma take this bad ge
dy's free \Bro ther and sis ter /To ge ther we'll make it through \Some day a spi rit will /Lift you and take
\Take these bro ken wings, /and learn to fly a gain /learn to live so free.
I will always love you by Whitney Houston 42BPM kEY OF D
have one good girl whose always been there like ya /Kno took all the bull shit /then one day she can't take
and sweet \Could you Would you /Ain't you gon na \If I ask you would you wan na /Be my ba by to night \Take
late ly that I lo ve you, /Have I told you there's no one a bo ve you, /Fill my heart with glad ne ss, /Take
/made your song take wing... \and now, /how you've re paide me: /de nied me and be trayed me...
ried bu ried /I wish I was like you /Ea si ly a mused /Find my nest of salt /E very thing's my fault /I'll take
\With ev' ry breath I take /let this be my so lemn vow: \To take e
I've done so man y ti me s / (M/F)Don't Fall In Love With A Dream e r \ 'cause he'll al ways take
/And there's no need to take a stand /for it was I who chose to start.
\I need some bod y up lift ing /to take me a way, /babe, oh yeah.
entered with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TBlackbird @TBy The Beatles \Black bird singing in the dead of night /Take
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TAnother Day @TPaul McCartney \Eve ry day she takes a morn ing /bath she wets her...
love, /there's you on ly life /The on ly thing that's right \My first love, /your eve ry breath that I take
\Oh /Oh \Each morning I get up I die a little /Can barely stand up on my feet /Take a look
my fin ger tips /Hear it on my win dow pane /Your love's com ing down like /Rain /Wash a way my sor row /Take
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LEngl @TWe Are The Champions @TQUEEN (Mercury) \I've paid my dues /Time after time /I've done...