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But after (let me check it) 5:43:32 hours of hard hard work (including breaks), I made it again (of course I did)!!!!!
\Don't let the wrong word slip
ea sy ha ving your self a good time /Greas ing up those bets and bet ters /Watch ing out they don't four let
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TFire and Rain @TJames Taylor \Just yest er day morn ing /they let me know you were
\And I've got one more silver dollar, /But I'm not gon na let them catch me, no, /Not gon na let 'em catch
Ooh, do do do do do do do /Car wash, car wash /Ooh, do do do do do do do /Car wash, car wash /(Yeah, let's
/Uh huh hmmm \Now Adam told to Eve, "List en here to me, /don't you let me catch you mess in' /round that
\Wor ry, why do I let my self wor ry, /Won derin', what in the world did I do?
/I nev er want to let you down /or have you go, /it's bet ter off this way.
streets \It's the ter ror of kno wing /What this world is a bout \What ching some good friends /screaming "Let
\I felt all flushed with fe ver, /em berras sed by the crowd, /I felt he found my let ters \and read each
LENGL @TSave The Last Dance For Me @TDrifters \You can dance ev ery dance /with the guy who gave you the eye /let
for the van to come \Cor po ra tion tea shirt, stu pid bloo dy tues day /man you been a naugh ty boy /you let
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSexual Healing @TMarvin Gaye \Ooh ba by, now let's get down to night \O o h, Ba by
Carter 24th February 2014 \Kesha: It's go ing do wn /I'm yell ing tim ber /You bet ter mo ve /You bet ter da nce /Let's
has died /Me mo ries con fine my head /Bit ter ly I face the end \Trus tin gly /I gave my self to you /I let
Mick ey Mouse /For ev er let us hold our /ban ner high! \Come
girl you once knew \Al though she's dressed up to the nines /At six es and se vens with you \I had to let
\Let the storm y clouds chase /ev 'ry one from the p %- %+ %- %+