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\I look once more, /Just a roun
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TEASY @TFAITH NO MORE @TKaraoke text by: Claude Meyer \I know it sounds funn y but I just
me blue \With some o ther guy that you knew be fore /Bet ween the two of us guys /You know I love you more
MIDI file publishers and hardware manufacturers, such as Roland Corp. and Tune 1000 have introduced more detailed conventions
you mean to me \Search your heart, search your soul /And when you find me there, /you will search no more
entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TFEELINGS @TMorris Albert \Feel ings, /noth ing more
bo dy next to mine \Let me feel your soul /With all my dreams \You' re a wo man, I am a man /This is more
You may not use this file for ANY c This MIDI file was modified from Bob's original MIDI file version in one or more of
girl whose always been there like ya /Kno took all the bull shit /then one day she can't take it no more
The Wolf Is Out! Words by J. Arnold Esq. Music by T. Cooke. (circa 1830s) As sung by H. Russell & J. Morely for General...
SONAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ squenced by Irfani for more information
old en days /hap py gold en days of yore \Faith ful friends who are dear to us /gath er near to us once more
doubt in my mind /I'm in love Mmmm /I'm a be lie ver I couldn't leave her if I tried \I thought love was more
lyin', den yin' /All of your ac tions, so lis ten up /Cause here's my re ac tion /Here comes the night /No more
ing to send /Beau ty I'd always missed /with these eyes be fore /Just what the truth is /I can't say a ny more
roll in' in /The after noon is hea vy on your shoulders /There's a truck out on the four lane /A mi le or more
co min` up for air /I`m gon na live my time /For the rest of my life /Then I`ll be co min` /Back for more
/But you're never home any more...