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Megalovania 吉他指弹
A Cyber’s World?
【请注意 ATTENTION】 Please notice that this midi file doesn't belong to me! I just reuploaded it from the website : http...
hi, this is a grat song of toby fox, this the theme of the first scene de undertale, game of toby fox
客单,本曲由水晶塔《K-ON乐队》定制。 *请确保演奏人员不论前后台都能保证游戏60帧的帧数* ★☆6人/8人演奏时使用前6/8轨道即可☆★ 1、使用前请确保你乐团已具备网络同步条件,载体软件具备基础的★自动拆分和弦★功能;...
Toby Fox - Dogtarune/Dogcheck.
Undertale's BGM, not listed in the OST, is almost 60% slower than the OST's Small Shock. You can liston to this at New...
toby fox
Undertale's original sound track. You can listen to this when meet Asgore.
Megalovania by Toby Fox
Amalgam by Toby fox
作曲人Toby Fox,禁止转载
Magalovania Toby Fox
toby fox 's undertale's Asgore's music!
spider dance by Toby Fox
原作者Toby fox