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69 BPM Total time: 2:16 Number of bars: 49 Keys: In the first half is C major, after that is Bb major.
Carter 4th December 2017 @TThese lyrics are correct \The club is n't the best place to find a lov er /So the bar
Originally began as a MIDI arrangement by LuisEdgarF (https://www.hamienet.com/midi36561_Pretty-Cure--Futari-wa-Pretty-C...
trail /Where your kiss filled me with thrills \A week end in Can a da, a change of scene /Was the most I bar
\Said the Bom bar dier to the Pi lot.
there \She would me ren gue and do the cha- cha /But while she tried to be a star, /To ny al ways tend ed bar
ISTIMEWA MIDI by RUSYAIDI seq. by Team H2O @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @L4:13 @TTerlalu Istimewa @TAdibah Noor @TRRME \Ku ta tap gam bar
spm_id_from=333.337.top_right_bar_window_history.content.click 从7分20开始的片段着实是忍不住了,这配的好啊!录音真实!
lyrics entered by Patrick Matte @LENGL @TPENNY LANE @TThe Beatles @T(Lennon/McCartney) \In Pen ny Lane there is a bar
League @T.KAR file by Ken Vong (shampoo@unix.infoserve.net) \You were work ing as a wait ress in a cock ta il bar
\Been dazed and con fused for so long it's not true, /want ed a wom an, /nev er bar gained for you.
白白的鵝 鵝要過河 河要渡鵝 不知是那鵝過河 還是河渡鵝 #全世界 都在學 中國話 孔夫子的話 越來越國際化 全世界 都在講 中國話 我們說的話 讓世界都認真聽話# 紐約蘇珊娜 開了間禪風Lounge Bar
does n't look back /He pre tends he can't hear her \Starts to whis tle as he cros ses the street /Seems em bar
Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TPENNY LANE @TThe Beatles \In Penny Lane there is a bar
na da /Sai da mi nha fren te que eu que ro pas sar /Pois o sam ba e stá a ni ma do /O que eu que ro é sam bar
spm_id_from=333.337.top_right_bar_window_history.content.click 真的很好听!!!