共找到 90 条结果
Range Fine Tune TVF Cutoff Resonance Atack Decay Release Null Bend Range Fine Tune TVF Cutoff Resonance Atack Decay Release
cross the /win dow hides the lines /But noth ing hides /the col our of the /lights that shine /El ec tri ci ty's
2003 機動戦士ガンダムSEED ED 歌 中島美嘉 作詞 中島美嘉 作曲 Lori Fine 編曲 島健
UGH FINE Midi Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/mitoyb0386i94hi/Rush_B_Working_Progress_So_For.mid/file?
Drum Filter Cutoff Freq Drum Filter Resonance Drum EG Attack Rate Drum EG Decay Rate Drum Inst Pitch Corse Drum Inst Pitch Fine
dkey=tpphjrdt7pl&r=205 Fine
raphael@cnct.com) \If you wan na leave /I won't beg you to stay \And if you got ta go dar ling /May be it's
my account will be here soon If I hit 500,000 views Don't You Dar- UGH FINE
would come a round /I've been giv ing out chances e v ery time /And all you do is let me down \And it's
the summ er time when /the weath er is hot /You can stretch right up \and touch the sky /When the weath er's
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LMusic by Kurt Weill - Lyrics by Ira Gershwin @TThere'll Be Life Love And Laughter 1945 Kurt Weill...
It sounds fine so I've left them unchanged.
dad, /They make you feel so ve ry glad, \Ca lyp so sing and make up rhyme, /Guar an tee you one real good fine
gas /Soon turned out a heart of glass \Seemed like the real thing o n ly to fi n d /Mucho mis trust love's
「青い空に出逢えた」 辻尾有紗 ver 1.0 SC88 制作:あてーさ エクスプレッションの初期値 通常はこれくらい リバーブ(残響音の量)の設定 コーラスの設定 ディレイの設定 ベンド幅の設定 2で全音 12でオクターブ Fine Tune