共找到 172 条结果
排箫,双簧管,小提琴,电吉他清音,电吉他重力和弦,大号,低音鼓,小军鼓 已根据游戏音域做调整,试听会有差异(第九音轨为试听专用鼓) 游戏实录:BV1Ko4y1G7Ro bgm是6.0四人本普通boss的音乐 大号是我家猫自己加的。
完整修订版本 FF14用 全网首发MIDI秀 B站 实际游戏内演奏效果展示:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ro4y1U7ZP/ 需要无偿花冠高清五线谱的可以留邮箱,自己纯手打的五线谱 如果觉得我扒的水平不行
noitanimoba elbirroh eht ro grobyc ykriuq eht :niw lliw ohW. reenigaV .sv enidloS : noitatnorfnoc cipe eht rof emiT
AUli *- ro: I\'WW. t a n S. (.;om/yuepu-60528. htm! -HU:'1l (1\ 1 JlI #,4 Ji) if"i*.!:Ill-lj-: 60528 ,.,*"¥-vre.
stars that twin kle way /Up in the s ky /Oh tell me I 'm in lo ve \When I k i s s your lips /I feel the ro
/N緌 lem bro /Pa re ce de zem bro /De um a no dou ra do /Pa re ce bo le ro /Te que ro, te que ro /Di zer que n緌
. /1 2 3 4 \Na nun sauna air /Naje nun noman kum tasa ro-un /gu ron sau na air /Kopi shik- gido j
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TCarolina in my Mind @TJames Taylor \In my mind I'm going to Ca ro lin a /Can't you
/Of peo ple in trou ble /Re flect ions of my life /Oh how they fill my e yes \All my sor rows /Sad to mor ro
改编自:https://www.midishow.com/en/midi/ros-bruno-mars-apt-midi-download-206392 Connect with Bruno: http://www.brunomars.c...
\They're look ing for a lit tle ro mance /gi ven half a chance.
I thought I should miss, /'twas the thrill of our mis tle toe kiss, /There'd be hol ly I knew, /and a ro
/to keep my mind off oth er things; /so, la dies, let your fin gers dance, /And keep your hands out of ro
eas i er /Let the child ren's laugh ter /Re mind us how we used to be \Ev e ry bod y's search ing for a he ro
. /1 2 3 4 \Na nun sauna air /Naje nun noman kum tasa ro-un /gu ron sau na air /Kopi shik- gido johney /
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750) Sequenced: 12 mai - 11 septembrie 1999, Bucuresti by Gabriel Mihai Dragomir <gmd@k.ro
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750) Sequenced: 31 mai - 11 septembrie 1999, Bucuresti by Gabriel Mihai Dragomir <gmd@k.ro