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\It's gonna take a lot to
entered by Patrick Matte @LENGL @TGROOVY KIND OF LOVE @TPhil Collins \When I'm fee ling blue, all I have to do /Is take
sung blue /ev 'ry gar den grows one /Me and you /are sub ject to /the blues now and then /But when you take
\Take the rib bon from my hair, /shake it loose and let it fall.
@Twritten by Artis Ivey, Jr (Coolio) \As I walk through the val ley of the /sha dow of death, I take a look
I know /'Cause when I'm lost I can't let go \I don't mind not kno wing what I'm hea ded for /You can take
KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TAGAINST ALL ODDS (TAKE
/You can take the fu tu re ev en if you fail. \I be lie ve in an gels.
I'm on fire /Tell me now baby is he good to you /Can he do to you the things that I can do \I can take
yeah /The rhy thm of my life \You could put some joy up on my face /Oh sun shine in an em pty place /Take
be lieve it \Like no o ther /Be fore you know it you'll be on your knees \She's an ea sy lov er /She'll take
whom e ver I choose \I can eat my din ner in a fan cy res tau rant /But no thing, I said no thing /can take
changed \In these past few days /When I've seen my self /I seem like so meone else \I don't know how to take
no ther mind less crime /Be hind the cur tain, in the pan to mime \Hold the line, /does a ny bo dy want to take
/And did you think you could just /take it all a way?
/My dear La dy Jane /I've done what I can \I must take my leave /For prom ised I am /This play is run
Alto Sax Repeat kannsou Solo TAKE 2 Repeat 2 Repeat 3 END 163. Cheese Organ 134. Piano 3w 28. Clean Gt. 29.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @I05-24-94, 07:56, L.R. @LENGL @TOB-LA-DI OB-LA-DA @T Beatles \Des mond has a bar row in...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TTime Warp @TRocky Horror Show \It's a stound ing /Time is flee t ing /Mad ness takes...