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\The news had come out in the First World War /The blood y Red Ba ron was fly ing once more /The Al lied
\Said I loved you but I lied /'Cause this is more than love I fe
\Hark, now hear the an gels sing, /a new king born to day, and /man will live for ev er more, /be cause of
\May be to mor row, a new ro mance, no more sor row. /But that's the
/More than a feeling /that's the pow er of love. \Tough er than dia monds /lips like cream.
school /I know I keep you a mused /But I feel I'm be ing used /Oh Mag gie, I could n't have /tried any more
这是一首著名的英文歌曲(Love You More Than I Can Say),歌中唱道: 哦, 我爱你在心口难开。 明天我会更爱你, 不是我言语所能表达, 每天都思念着你。 为什么我的生活充满了悲伤?
pea ting it self \Wa ter loo /I was de fea ted, you won the war \Wa ter loo /Pro mise to love you for e ver more
Rob in son, /Jes us loves you more than you will know /(Wo wo wo). \God bless you, please, Mr s.
And turned cart wheels cross the floor \I was feel ing kind of sea sick, /but the crowd call ed out for more
me /He's a man \He's just a man /And I've had so many /Men be fore \In ve ry ma ny ways /He's just one more
tide rush es in /Plants a kiss on the shore \Then rolls out to sea /and the sea \is ver y still once more
less crime /Be hind the cur tain, in the pan to mime \Hold the line, /does a ny bo dy want to take it a ny more
up \now I can't sing a love song /like the way it's meant to be /well, I guess I'm not that good a ny more
SWEET FREEDOM (1986) <<< @T>>> (Words & music: Michael McDonald) <<< @T>>> I-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \No more
Ric_BNH@yahoo.com at RAN productions Studio @TRochester NH 10/13/02 visit http://ricbnh.50megs.com/index-6.html \She was more
doubt in my mind /I'm in love Mmmm /I'm a be lie ver I couldn't leave her if I tried \I thought love was more
bo dy next to mine \Let me feel your soul /With all my dreams \You' re a wo man, I am a man /This is more
KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TRELAX @TFrankie goes to hollywood @Tkaraoked by Uwe Trempelmann \Ai ai ai ai, use me one time more
KARAOKE FILE @KV0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENG @TKNOWING ME KNOWING YOU @TABBA \No more