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This is some original midi, must work around the instrument to get what the music sould sound like.
Origin Video Link: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Nr4y1F7zS Orgin Author Link: https://space.bilibili.com/31638...
本人转载的全部MIDI列表:http://blog.z4hd.cf/midlist/ ---- Author: ShinkoNet(http://shinko.net.nz) Original Link: -MIDI File:https
This one is much closer to the original. Original composed by Mark Snow The Truth Is Out There
KAPI Original Soundtrack 自己一个个音扒拉的,新人难免有错漏,且只有主旋律 周五夜放克 VS Kapi 的一首歌
http://playstation2.web.fc2.com/game_data_collection/FINAL%20FANTASY7%20Windows/MIDI/index.htm カーチェイス
http://playstation2.web.fc2.com/game_data_collection/FINAL%20FANTASY7%20Windows/MIDI/index.htm 中ボス戦
"Dispossession" is a MIDI music piece in Anime/game music style from the original NieR Replicant soundtrack.