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/ Don't e ver let me find you down, cause that would / bring a tear to me.
\The sum mer sun looked down /On our love long a go \But in my heart I feel /The same old aft er glow \A
a door of steel /Can't stand in my way, I'd go on /Bru tal ma chines, un bend ing la w s /Can't slow me down
\In his arms she fell /as her hair come down /a mong the fields of gold. \Will you stay with me?
\It's the fi nal count down \We're hea ding for Ve nus /And still we stand tall \Cause may be they've seen
/Sand man, I'm so a lone, /Don't have no bo dy to call my own, /Please send down your mag ic beam, /Mis ter
\I saw Mom my kiss ing San ta Claus, /un der neath the mis tle toe last night; \She did n't see me creep /down
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWHIPPING POST @TAllman Brothers \I been run down, /I been lied to, \I don't know why
\When the sun comes up on a sleep y lit tle town /down a round San An tone, \And the folks are ris in' for
\And it all comes down to you. /Well, you kn %- %+ %- %+ %- %+ %- %+
. / Have a hol ly jol ly Christ mas / And when you walk down the street, / Say hel lo to friends you know
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLola @TKinks \I met her in a club down in old So ho /where you drink cham pagne /and
But the ri ver is wide /And it's too hard to cross \And e ven though I know the ri ver is wide /I walk down
LENGL @TJAMBALAJA @Tcountry by Chris \Good bye Joe /Me gotta go /Me Oh My Oh /Me gotta go /Pole the Pirogue /down
\Lived nine lives, gunned down ten. /Gon na ri
Send ing all my love /a long the wi re \They say that the road /ain't no place to start a family /Right down
\Come and lay down by my side /till the ear ly morn in' light. \All I'm tak in' is your time.
\Turn his back on his best friend /if he put her down.
Don't ever leave me a lone \When you told me you did n't need me any more /Well you know I near ly broke down