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KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWHIPPING POST @TAllman Brothers \I been run down, /I been lied to, \I don't know why /I let
edge of sur ren der's in sight /Don't you wor ry /It's gon na be al right /Cause I'm al ways rea dy /I won't let
\Take the rib bon from my hair, /shake it loose and let it fall.
\Some are hap py, some are sad, /oh, we got to let the mu sic play, mm.
Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TSEPTEMBER MORN @TNeil Diamond \Stay for just a while, let
a bur nin' love in side \Yeah, I'm wor king my way back to you, babe /And the hap pi ness that died \I let
\Let the storm y clouds chase /ev 'ry one from the p %- %+ %- %+
/just one thing makes me for get \Red red wine /stay close to me /don't let me be a lone /stay with me
I found you \I'll be there with a love that's strong /I'll be your strength /I'll keep you hol ding on \Let
/Let's all ce leb rate and have a good time. \(Ce leb ra tion!) /We're gon na ce le brate and have a g
good bye for the sum mer, /dar ling, I prom ise you this: \I'll send you all my love ev 'ry day in a let
\Wo, wo, clos er, let me whis per in your ear. /Say the words you long t %- %+