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could put some joy up on my face /Oh sun shine in an em pty place /Take me to turn to and babe I'll make
sy lov er /She'll take your heart but you won't feel it \She's like no o ther /And I'm just try ing to make
/Still make me blue /They say that time /Heals a bro ken heart /But time has stood still /Since we've been
GaryW0001 (@AOL.com) Arrangement by Calvin Custer Copyright ゥ1997 Blue Max Distribution All Rights Reserved Make
, Al Jackson \I, I'm s o in love with you /What ev er you want to do /Is all right with m e /'Cause you make
/Sing a song /Make it sim ple to last your whole life long /Don't wor ry that it's not good e nough /for
rol ling by like thun der now /As I look in you eyes \I hold on to you bo dy /And feel each move you make
\The show must go on /the show must go on \In side my heart is brea king /My make- up may be fla king /But
let you kn o w \Let you know ho w I feel /And if I stum ble if I fa ll, just help me ba ck /So I can make
Pop šokis
\Here comes John ny sing ing I got a wo man /down in the tun nels trying to make it pay.
@LENGL @LENGL \You say it's all in my head, /And the things I think just don't make sense.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TCan't Buy Me Love @TBeatles \Can't buy me love, /love, can't buy me love. \I'll bu...
I Feel For You