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Blue – All rise
fi nest meal /Its ap peti te for hope /come and see \You mix it all to ge ther in your dreams /In gre di en
/Toughest chick in the al i en world. /Ain't got time, pink and lace.
TAgua dulce, agua salá (Julio Iglesias) @Thttp://www.sitio.de/mrgoomer \Con el pa sar de los a ños /he a pren di do en
Monster @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T Monster @T Lady Gaga @T Mis en kar par boubou sur un midi trouvé par jc sur le net
ñas co sas que ol vi dé /Al ver tu a mor a ma ne cer \Y tan tas ve ces yo tam bién /I gual que un ni ño me en
FILE @LENGL @Trhythm of the falling rain - cascades @Tby @TCopyright ゥ 1997 Steve Day - sad001@ccnet.com \johnny /List en
got the same soul /I like that old time rock and roll \Don't try to take me to a dis co /You can't ev en
Vanotek、Eneli - Back To Me旋律
gros se Wurf ge lun gen, \Ein es Freun des Freund zu sein, /Wer ein hol des Weib er run gen, /Mis che sein en
\I was kis sing Val en ti no /by a crys tal blue I tal i an stream.
/Uh huh hmmm \Now Adam told to Eve, "List en here to me, /don't you let me catch you mess in' /round that
LENGL @TNights In White Satin @TMoody Blues \Nights in white sat in /nev er reach ing the end /Lett ers I've writt en
/But high from God's heav en a star's light did fall, /And the
the things /we want ed /Now all our mem or ies, /they're haun ted /We were al ways meant /to say good bye /Ev en
/She hurt my ey es op en; that's no lie. \Ta bles turn in' now, her turn to cry.
@IKaraoke lyrics sequenced @Iby Jed Shlackman \I don't know whe re I'm going /But I sure know where I've be en
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TCandle in the Wind @TTribute to Princess Diana by Elton John \Good bye En
ain't it just like a friend of mine /to hit me from be hind /Yes I'm going to Ca ro lin a in my mind \Kar en