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\Come on boys, we need to dance, /We have got a good chance.
committed no crime /And bad mis takes /I've made a few \I've had my share of sand kicked in my face /But I've come
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TEVERYBODY WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD @TTears for Fears @Tkaraoked by Uwe Trempelmann \Wel come
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSounds Of Silence @TSimon And Garfunkel \Hell o dark ness my old friend, /I've come to
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TStand By Me / When the light has come / And the land is dark /
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TDon't You (Forget About Me) @TSimple Minds \Won't you come see 'bout me /I'll be a lone
feel you / That is how I know you go on / Far a cross the dis tance / And spa ces bet ween us / You have come
/Hair of gold and lips like cherr ies /It's good to touch the green /green grass of home \Yes they all come
ev ery thing you were /your num ber has been called \Fights and bat tles have be gun /re venge will su rely come
Helen @TABBA \So at last you're free /It's the way you want ed it to be /And the price you paid /To be come
/I'm search ing for the world that I come from!
Kidsongs Kids @TRRME & FREEMIDI.ORG \Make way for Nod dy, /He toots his horn to say, /Make way for Nod dy, /Come
\But we both /Know the truth /Is hard to come by. \And if I /Told the truth, /That's not quite true.
Gfh Jm 56
@TCurtain falls @TBlue @TBabet (Kar) We come from hum ble be gin nings and Who could have guessed it when
The Lord is come! /Let earth receive her King!
/Is your heart filled with pain, /shall I come back a gain? /Tell me, dear, /are you lonesome tonight?
I feel you /That is how I know you go on /Far a cross the dis tance and spa ces be tween us /You have come
\All this time I was wast ing /Hop ing you would come a round /I've been giv ing out chances e v ery time
\On the day that you were born /The an gels got to gether /And de cid ed to cre ate a dream come true /So