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/Don`t know why /But I did.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @T Mariah Carey - And You Don't remember @T By Lauriane @T laurianemjj@hotmail.com
\They told him, /''Don't you ev er come a round here.
was modified from Bob's original MIDI file version in one or more of the following ways (with his written permission) by Don
= Female, {MF} = Both \{M} /Look at this face /I know the years are show ing \Look at this life /I still don't
you /You, my darling you, mmm \Bitter sweet memories /That is all I'm taking with me /So goodbye, please don't
秋天的童话 Original Sound Tracks Reason(Piano Solo) midi sequenced by Converse 2/10/2002 Please don't modify any comments
\In my li f e there's been heart ache an d pain, /I don'
(Don Williams)
/You don't have to be af raid of what you are.
self that it's true /I can get o ver an y thing you want, my love /But I can't get my self o ver you \Don't
ting here was ted and woun ded /at this old pia no \Trying hard to cap ture /the mo ment this mor ning I don't
Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENG @TDON'T GO BREAKING MY HEART @TElton John \Don't
.- 1999-03-08 (c)1999 Hisashi ODA histream@anet.ne.jp Please don't distribute and change this file.
FILE @V0100 @IFile created with EasyKar95 @IMidi Creator Unknown @IKar by Roger Mac and Voyetra Midi @LENGL @TAmanda by Don
Words & Music by Martin Nystrom Original sequence by RZESP (1995) Arrangement modifications, additions and remixing by Don
@TSheryl Crow - Good Is Good @TLyrics Added By Karaoke Krew Member Woof \Good is good and bad is ba d /But you don
All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth sequenced by: Don Carroll <donniec@ix.netcom.com> @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL