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6, 1999) - sequenced by Habble - (habble@hotmail.com) Well, another quick sequence, it was a matter of repetitions so I just
Is Love @TBurt Bacharach \What the world needs now /is love, sweet love /It's the on ly thing that \there's just
been try ing ooh so lon g to let you kn o w \Let you know ho w I feel /And if I stum ble if I fa ll, just
/(No no that's just his charm.) \In his warm embrace? /(No, that's just his arm.)
You'll find that it's /Stran ger than known \Signs in the street /That say where you're going \Are some where just
it through \Make it through the fa l l /Make it through it a ll \And I don't /wan na fall to piec es /I just
Thomas \Rain drops are fall in' on my head /And just like the guy whose feet /are too big for his bed /Noth
mirror and cry /Lord, what you're doing to me /I have spent all my years believing in you /But I just
feel in si de /'Cause you were born /In to this ev il world /Where man is kill ing man /And no one knows just
TQueen Of Hearts @TJuice Newton \Mid night, /and I'm a- wait ing on the twel ve- oh- five /Hop ing it'll take me /just
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLyin' Eyes @TEagles \Cit y girls just seem to /find out earl y, /how to op en doors
/Just the two of us and no bod y /else in sight /There's no bod y else and I'm feel ing /good just hold ing
/Just a big- a, big- a, big- a hunk o' love a- will do.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWhite Christmas @TXmas Carol ( Irving Berlin ) \I'm dream ing of a white Christ mas /Just
lone ly life /She leads a lone ly life \When she woke up late in the mor ning light /and the day has just
/I'm loo king out for an gels /just try ing to find some pea ce.
LENGL @TOLD TIME ROCK AND ROLL @TBob Seger @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Patrick Matte \Just take
\I don't know why, I just know I do. /I just can't ex plain in this lan guage that I use.
your shoulders /There's a truck out on the four lane /A mi le or more away /The whi nin' of his wheels just