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Get The Blues by Emmylou Harris & The Hot Band @TKar by Roger Mac Sequencer Unknown \She's a rou nder I can tell you
\See them groceries run ning, /and you watch them dis ap pear. \With out love, where would you be now?
@TLIKE A VIRGIN @TMadonna \I made it through the wil der ness /Some how I made it through \Did n't know how lost
Ie-mail: vah2608@aol.com @LENGL @TWORDS - Bee Gees / Smile an e ver las ting smile, / a smile can bring you
I say just some one I used to know /Just so me one I used to spend some time with /Just a flame that lost
@T @TThank you Pink for beeing so kind to me when we met !!! @TYou rock girl !!