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che rish you right /Don't you know you were my life \E ven though I try /I can't let go /Some thing in your
T>>> I-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \I wan na wake up with you /I wan na be there when you o pen your
\See the stone set in your eyes /See the thorn twist in your side /I wait for you \Sleight of hand and
martin- christina aguilera \there you are /in a dark ened room /and you're all a lone /look ing out the win dow /your
gain /And I cry 'cause you're not here /Cr y ing in my head a gain /And I know that it's not clear \Put your
you \You seem so ne ar /yet s o far /I hope and I pray \You'll be with me /some day /I know down in side
up my sens es /Come fill me a gain \Come let me love you /Let me give my life to you /Let me drown in your
Plants a kiss on the shore \Then rolls out to sea /and the sea \is ver y still once more /So I rush to your
swept a way /I did n't know that /It was so cold and /You need ed some one /To show you the way /So I took your
have ever been with me I want you to be unused, I want you to remember I want you to believe in me, I want you on my side
TELL ME GOODBYE @Tby Glen Campbell \Kiss me each morn ing for a mil lion years /Hold me each eve ning by your
\Lay in' soft a gainst your skin, /like the shad ows on the wall.
bus y feet , hust le by you /Down town shop pers, Christ mas is nigh \There he sits, all a lone on the side
/Pull one down for you, /Shine it on my heart /So you could see the truth: /That this love I ha ve in side
Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \To real ly love a wo man /to un der stand her /you got ta know her deep in side
Girl @Tby Madonna @T.KAR file by Ken Vong (shampoo@unix.infoserve.net) \When you see her, say a prayer and kiss your
/Down by the ri ver side's \bound to be a bet ter ride /than what you've got planned.
more run nin' down the wrong road /Dan cin' to a diff' rent drum /Can't you see what's go in' on /Deep in side
\'Bout that shack out side La Grange. /And you know what I'm talkin' about.