共找到 147 条结果
Yes, My Child, the Battle's Over By B. A. Whaples. (1864) for General MIDI playback To W. W. Killip, Esq. Reply to "Mot...
【原神演奏】Child of Light 光之子 Aurora's Theme 是我之前特别喜欢的游戏!这几天突然想起来了就给扒了 听说2.7要出鼓了 我想组个原神合奏乐队 有兴趣的琴友加QQ群1018379892 有什么想要扒的...
Midi de mi canción https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ9BxUAKCnQ
May Heaven Protect Our Child Words and Music by William Shakespeare Hays, 1837-1907 (1873) for General MIDI playback To...
Russell Hr 41tmwhacas
Motherch 1
【原神演奏】Child of Light 光之子 - Main Theme 听说2.7要出鼓了 我想组个原神合奏乐队 有兴趣的琴友加QQ群1018379892 有什么想要扒的谱也可以进群跟我说 有些没传网站的midi可以在群文件里找到
Mwana wange (Sleep now my child) Traditional folksong lullaby of the Buganda people in Uganda for General MIDI playback
Farewell, Farewell to Thee Bright Child of Song Words and Music by Arthur F. Keene (1827) for General MIDI playback
Child's Own Set Plain Cotillions No. 3 Arranged for the Piano-Forte by Septimus Winner, 1827-1902 (1855) for General MID...
What Does Every Good Child Say Poetry by a Friend. Music by Stephen Collins Foster, 1826-1864. (1867) for General MIDI p...
原曲:https://youtu.be/1w7OgIMMRc4 T1 Tone Switching Guitar Clean. T2 Tone Switching Guitar Overdriven
Crow Sweet ChildO Mine
Ah! My Child! Ah! mon fils Words by Augustin-Eugene Scribe. Music by Giacomo Meyerbeer, 1791-1864. (1851) for General MI...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TMary's Boy Child @TXMAS Carol Harry Belafonte \Long time a go in Beth le hem, /so the...