共找到 127 条结果
转自:https://karaoke-nn.ru/Singles/song6998.htm Служиьт России (为俄罗斯服役)是一首俄罗斯军歌,创作于1991年,作者是Ксения Гончарова,一位来自Димитров...
自制 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ea4y1G727 如需fl工程请点上面链接
来自俄罗斯国歌博物馆(Russian Anthems Museum) 转载自Wiki Commons 本来用来测试自己写的红石音乐生成器的,发现网上并找不到,于是传上来
Sara Bareilles - Love song @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE \Head un der wa ter /And they tell me to brea the ea sy for a
to night \I keep look ing for some thing I can't get /Bro ken hearts lie all a round me /I don't see an ea
O pen your eyes, look up in the ski and see /I'm just a poor boy, I need no sym pa thy \Be cause I'm ea
on ly lo ve /And that's all ya \When your heart has been bro ken /Hard words ha ve been spo ken /It ain't ea
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TIt's So Easy @TBuddy Holly / Linda Ronstadt \It's so eas y to fall in love, /It's s...
Òàòó: "Òðèäöàòü ìèíóò" ìèäè - Ñàëìèí Âë. êàð - shkuro@mi.ru @TÒàòó: "Òðèäöàòü ìèíóò" @T @Tìèäè - Ñàëìèí Âë. êàð - shkuro...
莫斯科郊外的晚上 爵士版
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TTo Sir With Love @TLulu \Those school girl days of tell ing tales /and bit ing nail...