共找到 244 条结果
lonely christmas(弹唱版)
Weeping, Sad and Lonely aka When This Cruel War Is Over Composed by Henry Tucker
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @LENGL @TNo More Lonely Nights @TPaul McCartney \ I can't wait an oth er day, un til I
WinJammer Demo
Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band http://members.tripod.com/jeridu/ This file is compatible with GM and Roland GS system.
The Spot Where Eddie Sleep or Six Lonely Years Have Come and Gone for General MIDI playback No. 9 from "Prairie Flowers"
《The Lonely Shepherd》孤独的牧羊人,Gheorghe Zamfir 格奥尔基·赞菲尔演奏曲目,昆汀·塔伦蒂诺选为电影《Kill Bill》片尾曲,治愈系风格。
I Remember the Hour When Sadly We Parted Answer to "Weeping, Sad and Lonely" Words by Ednor Rossiter. Composed by B.
Two Less Lonely People In The World by Air Supply
【FF14诗人双人/三人】そんなゆめをみたの ~lonely dreaming girl~ 《【FF14诗人双人/三人】そんなゆめをみたの ~lonely dreaming girl~》 是一首MIDI音乐 一轨为人声旋律,建议使用乐器:
初次发谱,请多见谅。 此谱用于FF14诗人单人演奏。
此谱用于FF14诗人双人合奏。单人也还行。 建议钢琴竖琴或小提琴。 预览很难听,快下了听吧
Lone Ranger Theme William Tell Overture