共找到 163 条结果
M Franks Lead Me Back To You
Ch Rich You Can Have Her
Seekers Never Another You
She Loves You GS Reset - SYX GS Reset - SYX For Personal Use Only Modification without MIDI File author's permission is
Embraceable You -- Barney Kessel Jazz Version Set Pitch Bend 6 Semitones Reset Pitch Bend to 2 Semitones For Personal Use
Partridge I ThinkI Love You
八度乐器参考 1.吉他过载 2.竖琴 3.钢琴 4.吉他清音 5.鲁特琴 6.小提琴 7.低音鼓 ↑提升2个八度 8.小军鼓 ↑提升2个或3个八度
Crow Are You Strong
M Mann If You Gotta Go
Shania Twain-Don't be stupid (You know I love you) http://members.tripod.com/jeridu/ Please do not distribute edited version
Mariah Carey Thank God I Found You
Here You Come
Kathy Trocolli-If I'm Not In Love With You http://members.tripod.com/jeridu/ Please do not distribute edited version GM/GS
Coors-Would you be happier http://members.tripod.com/jeridu/ Please do not distribute edited version GM/GS file, Optimised
R Mc Guinn You Nowhere
E Clapton Shape You In
*You only live once
Jim Croce I Love You InA Song
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWith or without you @TU2 @TProduced by Cowon MacLeod @WThis song @Wmay be used for non-commercial
Northern Pikes-Kiss me you fool http://members.tripod.com/jeridu/ Please do not distribute edited version GM/GS file, Optimised