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day; \And thinks of the young man /that she al most mar ried, /what would he think if he saw her this way
\What the peo ple need is a way to make 'em smile, /it ain't so hard to do if you know how.
And they call it pupp y love /Just be cause we're in our teens \Tell them all it is n't fair /To take a way
/Meant for some one else but not for me /Ah, love was out to get me /(Doo doo doo da doo) /That's the way
gone, I knew the song \A young girl with eyes like the de sert /It all seems like yes ter day, not far a way
near as faded \as my jeans /Bobb y thumbed a dies el down /just be fore it rained \And rode us all the way
day /When it's cold out side I've got the month of May \I guess you'd say /What can make me feel this way
ty /Kan sas Ci ty, here I come \I'm going to Kansas Ci ty /Kan sas Ci ty, here I come \They got a cra zy way
\Su per sti tion ain't the way. \Ve ry su per sti tious /Wash your face and
\And as I try to make my way /to the
There's noth ing left in side of here /And bab y you can cry all night /But that will nev er change \the way
un der stand, oh I know you can /C' mon Mar i anne \No mat ter what peo ple say, /it did n't hap pen that way
\They're tak ing you a way, /and they're leav ing me lone ly.
\If I ev er get out of here /thought of giv ing it all a way /to a reg is tered char i ty.
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TI Don't Know @TCeline Dion \A moun tain of stone, a door of steel /Can't stand in my way
som one \When I was young er /so much young er than to da y /I ne ver need ed an y bo dy's /help in an y way
see your face /Mell ow as the month of May /Oh, darl ing, I can't stand it /When you look at me that way
\I stopped an old man along the way /hop ing to find some long for got ten words /or ancient me lo dies.
fails and you long to be /some thing bet ter than you are to day \I know a place where you can get a way
/Until I find a way /I will say the on ly words \I know that you'll un der stand.