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entered by Raphael Pungin @I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TCATS IN THE CRADLE @TUgly Kid Joe \A child ar rived just
FILE @LENGL @TLola @TKinks \I met her in a club down in old So ho /where you drink cham pagne /and it tastes just
cause I can't ex plain the tears that I shed /o ver y ou, o ver y ou \I see you each morn ing, /but you just
Orbison @TKaraoke by Ginny @T09/03/2000 \Work ing all day /And the sun don't shine /Trying to get by /I'm just
moon abo ve y ou /How brig ht is it shin ing in your world /Some morn ing when you wake up all al one /Just
let your self g o /I've been lov ing my heart out, and with out a ny sh a me /Gotten down on my knees just
Mister \Ba by, I don't un der stand, /why we can't just hold on to each o ther's hands?
ded for /You can take me to the skies \It's like be ing lost in hea ven /When I'm lost in your eyes \I just
young /They bring you up to do \like your dad dy done /Me and Ma ry we met in high school, /when she was just
DON'T LOSE THAT NUMBER @TSteely Dan \We hear you're lea ving, that's O K /I thought our lit tle wild time /Had just
mar ried \Like the way you o pen up your hearts /to each o ther /When you find a mee ting of the minds \Just
FILE @KV0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TSEPTEMBER MORN @TNeil Diamond \Stay for just
\That her face at first just ghost ly /turned a whi ter shade of pale \She
\Me and my ba by was just get tin' right, /all sys tems on o ver load.
/This is good bye \Know ing me, know ing you /There is no thing we can do /Know ing me, know ing you \We just
/I came a long just to br ing you this song, /Can you spare one dream f or me?
\Some times it's hard to be a wom an, /giv ing all your love to just one man.
/Oo, oo, oo, oh, I just want you to stay. \A love like ours is love that's hard to find.
/just one thing makes me for get \Red red wine /stay close to me /don't let me be a lone /stay with me