共找到 1146 条结果
Cutting Crew I just died in your arms tonight
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @I 05-24-94, 10:00, L.R. @LENGL @TLOOK WONDERFUL TONIGHT @TEric Clapton \It's late in the...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @THey Tonight @TCreedence Clearwater Revival \Hey, to night, /Gonn a be to night, \Don't...
Wedding March, from A Midsummer Night's Dream
出自 n-tone 专辑中的《LUNAR TRIPS》,end in early summer - oiko 改编原曲: 1. 永夜抄 ~ Eastern Night. 2.萃夢想 请务必欣赏1分58秒处来自永夜抄的改编,...
Good Night,...
Santana Africa Bamba
Steal Away (The Night) GS
做的第一个曲子,工具:midieditor 音轨全用上了,分为9个部分:机会?、(极光)反击、铁、空、水、电子、潜、星空、Now is night+(1351 1351 1351) 首发于完美钢琴,有点仿D大调卡农
「Fate/stay night」の劇場公開を記念し、「Fate」の世界がギッシリと詰まったファン待望のボーカルベスト盤が遂に発売! このアルバムの為に作られた新曲も収録。これ1枚で「Fate」の世界に一挙に浸る事ができる豪華盤です!
Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @Ientered with Karakan @LENGL @T>>> PAUL McCARTNEY & WINGS - GOODNIGHT TONIGHT (1978) <<< @T>>> (Ly...
Made with FL Studio while I was filled with originality. This is my first original composition, inspired by the Bombe...
Guitar Hymn to the Night (Beethoven) Arr.:Katsumi Yajima Email:yajima@nymphusa.com
ALL NIGHT LONG ;Words and music by Lionel Richie Back Vocal