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Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah \You look so dumb right now /Stan ding out side my house /Try ing to a po lo gize /You're
TFROZEN @TMadonna \You on ly see what your eyes want to see /How can life be what you want it to be \You're
by Filipe Bento <fbento@unave.ua.pt> 17/05/96 @W @W*************** Have Fun **************** @W \So you think you're
/We're jamm ing /I wan na jam it with you, /We're jamm ing, jamm ing /And I hope you like jamm ing too \Ain't
Some day my prince will come START Marker #1 cm9 mifaso 2 Transision swing re ending END Music by Frank Churchill ゥ 1937
the knot /At the end of your ro pe, \Buy a book to help you cope but /No con so lation gon na come, /You're
\Say you don't know me, /or re cog nize my face. \Say you don't care who goes /to that kind of place.
If some one said three years from n ow /You'd be long gone /I'd stand up and punch them ou t /Cause they're
die a little /Can barely stand up on my feet /Take a look in the mirror and cry /Lord, what you're
/Your gui tar, it sounds so sweet and clear, /but you're not real ly here. /It's just the ra di o.
\De la sie rra mo re na, cie li to lin do /vie nen ba jan do \un par de o ji tos ne gros, cie li to lin do /de
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE \Ti re su as mãos de mim /Eu não per ten ço a vo cê /Não é me domi nan do as sim /Que vo
\All along the western front /People line up to re ceive /She got the current in her hands /To shock you like
something /That's been known to change the weather /We'll kill the fatted calf tonight /So stick a round /You're
Casemiro <casemiro@algoritmo.com.br> \O ho mem che ga já des faz a na tu re za /Ti ra gen te põe re pre sa, diz
@LENGL @TFAITHFULLY @TJourney \High way run in to the mid night sun /Wheels go round and round /You're on my
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TYour the One that I Want @TOlivia Newton-John / John Travolta GREASE \I got chills, they're
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TJOSIE @TSteely Dan \We're gon na break out the hats /And hoot ers when Jo sie comes
drip, drip, drip of the rain drops, /When the sum mer show er is through, \So a voice with in me keeps re
\Now, you say that you're sor ry, /oh, for be ing so un kind.