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KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Meng Cheng mcheng@livewire.newforce.ca @LENGL @T不 了 情 @T @T字 : 鍾 炳 民 @W作
The Thing - Main Title Ennio Morricone Panning Delay w/AWE-32 This is a MIDI re-creation of Ennio Morricones' End Title
EMI International rights secured @LENGL @T纏 綿 @T熊 美 玲 作曲 林 秋 離 作詞 @T劉 德 華 主唱 林 宜 良 MIDI 編曲 @W
Dziekujemy, ze zdecydowali sie Panstwo na zakupienie muzycznych plikow MIDI FILE w naszym serwisie www.utworki.pl
er /Just for one mo ment touch the sky /From that one mo ment in my life /I'm gon na be stron ger /Know w
Well it's bet ter to have /Loved and lost /Then to al ways be a lone /In your heart /I thought that there /W
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TTake The Long Way Home @TSUPERTRAMP @TKaraoke by Filipe Bento <fbento@unave.ua.pt> 17/05/96 @W
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TIt's Raining Again @TSUPERTRAMP @TKaraoke by Filipe Bento <fbento@unave.ua.pt> 16/05/96 @W
gon na be a round / If you think that you won't fall Well just wait un til, 'till the sun goes d o w
/Dug my w a y out, /blood and fire. /Bad de ci sions, /that's al right. /Wel come t o my /sil ly life.
performer: Rich, Freddie /composer: Gershwin, /lyricist: /copyright: 1924 /scanned_by: Terry Smythe /scan_system: MK3a w/
/When the pa pa found out he be gan to shout \And he started the in vesti ga tion /It's a gainst the l a w
ly love you /and we're gon na get ma -a -aried \Go ing to the Cha pel of love \Bells will ring the sun w
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++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 61-493 Poznan Kazdy plik MIDI FILE jest przez nas kodowany, co umozliwia w
When the morn ing cries /and you don't know why /hard to bear /With no one to love you /you're go in' no w
/The on ly thing a bout me is the way I w a lk. \I can't dance, I can't sing.
it's cra z y /that the peo ple wait /for some one who's strong /E ven though they could /do it on their o w
@W************ Have Fun ************* \I get up, and nothing get s me down. /You got it tough.