共找到 1500+ 条结果
-<>-<>-<>-<>- Brsh/Jazz Kit Jazz Bass Piano Alto Sax 1 Alto Sax 2 Tenor Sax 1 Tenor Sax 2 Bari Sax Trumpet 1 Trumpet 2 Trumpet
BASS PsmPlayer V5.0
淚灑愛河橋 Bass
1 chorus 2 chorus chorus to fade elec. piano polysynth fantasy bell harp pad bass stringpad crash toms snare kick shaker
-<>-<>-<>-<>- Jazz Kit Piano - Top Piano - Btm Jazz Bass Lead Alto Lead Tenor 3rd Tenor 4th Tenor Bari Sax Trumpet 1 Trumpet
SYSEX Synthy Bass Drums
Bass Steel Gtr. Melody Nylon Gtr. Steel Gtr. Pad Choir Drums
Make the world go round Set-Up Organ Synth Bass Synth Lead Melody Choir Voice Reverse Cymbal Burst Noise Windchime Drums
Jazz Kit Jazz Bass Piano Alto Sax 1 Alto Sax 2 Tenor Sax 1 Tenor Sax 2 Bari Sax Trumpet 1 Trumpet 2 Trumpet 3,4 Trombone
The Outlaw Torn By Metallica Generated by NoteWorthy Composer Vocals Vocal Harmony Guitar 1 Fill 1 Guitar 2 Fill 2 Bass
See the difference Set-Up Sweep Pad Synth Bass Synth Brass Banjo Koto Strings Saw Wave Windchime Flute Drums Siren Wind
Slap Bass Strings L Strings R Orch.Hit Muted Gt. Harpsichor E-Piano Choir Aah Cabasa Cymbals Snare Bassdrum
Lady Picture Show By STP Generated by NoteWorthy Composer Dean (lead) Robert (bass) Weiland (vox) Dean (solo) Kretz (drums
Bass Frase Melody Sinth Tappeto Organ Strings Arcostri Drums Ocarina GM/GS (c) 1994 INTERNATIONAL
Bass SynthBas Melody 2nd vox Saw Wave SquareWv Drums GM/GS (c) 1994 INTERNATIONAL MIDI HITS Edizioni Milano
Drums End Perc Rhodes El Bass Lead Guit Strings End Str Brass Mtd El Gt Sax global (c)1993HM
Flute Oboe Clarinet Bassoon French Horn Trumpet Trombone Tuba Glockenspiel Percussion Piano Violin I Violin II Viola Cello Bass