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LScorpions \I fol low the Mosk va /Down to Gor ky Pa rk /Listen ing to the wind of cha nge \An Au gust sum mer night
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TDo You Hear What I Hear @TNoel Regney Gloria Shayn \Said the night wind to the litt le
Grillo \There's a boy in my mind and he knows /I'm thin kin' of him /All my way to the day and the night
this mor ning I don't know \'Cause a bot tle of vod ka /is still lodged in my head /And some blond gave me night
hear me to night /cause my feel ing is just so right /as we dance by the moon light /can't you see you're
Arabian Nights One Jump Ahead Friend Like Me Prince Ali A Whole New World Reprise Acoustic Bass Fantasia Flute Vibraphone
by /You were made for lov ing me /And I can't get e nough of you, ba by /Can you get e nough of me \To night
that no one would call /I think I've got a lot of friends /But I don't hear from them /What's an o ther night
/Dig in the danc ing queen \Fri day night /and the lights are low /Look ing out for a place to go /Oh, where
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSummer Nights @TGREASE John Travolta/Olivia Newton-John \Summer lov in' had me a blast
Medley The Beatle New Arranged by "The Saint" I wanna Hold your hand , A Hard day's night , She loves you
/We gon na rock a round the clock to night. \Oh get you glad rags on.
gmbrclna.mid Barcelona Nights, GM version Studio 3.1 Giveaway
worn out lines /A bout love at first sight \I never knew those words were true /'Til you walked in to o night
Runn ing just as fast as we can , /Hold in' on to one a no ther's hand , /Try in' to get a way in to the night
me to grab /But lit tle does she know /That I'm a wolf in sheep's cloth ing /'Cause at the end of the night
MANEATEZ @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator @LENGL \She'll on ly come out at night
seem the same /For the heart of the crowd is gone from sight /My part of the crowd is not with me to night
@V0100 @ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TGoodnight @TBy The Beatles \Now it's time to say good night