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(after school) We can hang around by the pool (hang by the pool) Did your mom get back from her business trip?
If you infringe your copyright, I will delete it.
then /You came, out of no where /Like the sun up from the hills \Cold, cold was the wind /Warm, warm were your
原双人合奏版本:https://www.midishow.com/zh-tw/midi/ff14-scream-midi-download-157189 【O Scream all you like, your GODS CAN'T HEAR
Samantha Sang
X UR Lg Every Pi EveryoneP1 Every Every Wahn Your Radius Every Pi EveryonePi oco Every Page 2/Total 4 Every Pi Everyo Every
单人版已公开:https://www.midishow.com/zh-tw/midi/ff14-scream-midi-download-163109 【O Scream all you like, your GODS CAN'T HEAR
cnct.com @LENGL @THELLO @TLionel Richie \I've been a lone with you in side my mind /And in my dreams I've kissed your
我搜midi的时候居然搜到了Wilbur的 Your New Boyfriend,就想着Dream的怎么也得整一个吧。FF14可用,但是和弦有点吵,推荐使用钢琴,别用竖琴了。如果你们有需要的话,我也可以放一个没和弦的上来。千万不要商用!!!
Johnson's memorable themes include The Avengers, The Professionals, Animal Magic, and This is Your Life.
If you have an MMX CPU and there is an appropriate driver for IT for your soundcard (eg.
Feel free to adapt the midi to your convenience in order to make it sound right on your equipment.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE By LIU DE HUA Generated by NoteWorthy 1.0 Unnamed-000 Unnamed-001 Unnamed-002 Unnamed-003
\The sum mit of beau ty and love /And Ve nus was her name \She's got it /Yeah, ba by, she's got it \I'm your
我绝不让你烦恼/只要你能够重新爱我/我愿意永远留在你身旁/走过来坐在我的身旁/不要离别的这样匆忙/要记住红河谷你的故乡/还有那热爱你的姑娘 From this valley they say you are going We will miss your
bone Don't want to leave you really I've invested too much time to give you up that easy To the doubts that complicate your