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/This is our pla net /You're one o f u s!
/With no one to stay up for /I went to sleep at ten.
/I need your help, dad dy please be strong \I may be young at heart /But I know what I'm say ing \The one
The first EVAR one. I got the song from this video here: https://youtu.be/MdoMPyi3DyM.
TUSA for Africa \There comes a time /When we need a cer tain call /When the world must come to ge ther as one
Sequence by SpoonZ 25 August 2005 spoonzgfx@hotmail.com Very special thanks to MidiMe for the score, and the Syncro, and all
Tiffany's and bottles of bubbles Girls with tattoos who like getting in trouble Lashes and diamonds, ATM machines Buy myself all
/All a cross Ja pan. /Just to find , to find my sa mu rai. /Some one who is strong.
- \I'm hurt ing you a gain /To lo nely to pre tend /Like ev ery thing is new /I pro mise you to /Blow it all
Payeur (yvp@odyssee.net) \All that time I was sear ching, /No where to run to, it star ted me thin king \Won
www.songservice.it "BELIEVER" (Imagine Dragons) Endadp SIAE www.songservice.it (Instrumental) FIRST THINGS FIRST I'MA SAY ALL
\She called me ba by, ba by, all night long. /Used to hold and kiss me till the dawn.
Geoffrey Carter 27th September 2013 \Peo ple mak ing lists /Hid ing spe cial gifts /Tak ing time to be kind to one
\There's one thing I thought I should miss, /'twas the thrill of our mis tle toe kiss, /There'd be hol ly
Kelly @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TYou Are Not Alone @TMichael Jackson \An oth er day has gone /I'm still all a lone
a round me /I get a fe ver that' s so hard to bear /List en to me ba by, hear ev e ry word I say /No one
tell a joke, you've pro ba bly heard it be fore \But I have a ta lent, a won der ful thing /'Cause e very one
I pulled off an all night from 12 AM to 4 AM to make this composition.
be shared /And the truth un wind ing /Scrap ing a way at my mind /Please stop ask ing me to des cribe \For one
Untitled Song @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWorld of hurt @TIlse DeLange @TSequenced & Karaoke by H.de Koning \Day one God