共找到 93 条结果
Catch A Wave, By Brian Wilson Recorded by The Beach Boys Sequenced by Deb Ackley, 07/02/99 deback@acd.net
California Girls, by Brian Wilson Recorded by The Beach Boys Sequenced by Deb Ackley, 07/27/99 deback@acd.net
Music by Amy Marcy Cheney Beach, 1867-1944. (1900) for General MIDI playback from "Three Browning Songs, Op. 44" [No. 3]
All Summer Long, By Brian Wilson Recorded by The Beach Boys Sequenced by Deb Ackley, 07/27/99 deback@acd.net
Little Honda, by Brian Wilson and Michael Love Recorded by The Beach Boys Sequenced by Deb Ackley, 07/27/99 deback@acd.net
Pacific Beach Boardwalk By Bob Frazier (original composition) Generated by NoteWorthy Composer Reverb Guitar Reverb 2 Guitar
Surfin' Safari, Words and Music by Brian Wilson and Mike Love Recorded by The Beach Boys Sequenced by Deb Ackley, 07/28/
Wouldn't It Be Nice, Music by Brian Wilson, Lyrics by Brian Wilson and Tony Asher Recorded by The Beach Boys Sequenced by
\Blue jeans sitt ing on the beach, /her dog's talk ing to me, but she's out of re
" GOOD VIBRATIONS " Recorded by: The Beach Boys 1966 This is a piece that I originally picked up on CServe and rearranged
name of love /One man caught on a barbed wire fence /One man he re sist /One man washed up on an empty beach
up the mo tor scoo ters /When Jo sie comes home to stay \We're gon na park in the stre et /Sleep on the beach
thought /oh what a mor ning \It's not a day for work /It's a day for cat ching tan \Just lay ing on the beach