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カルタグラ~ツキ狂イノ病~《REBIRTH FHD SIZE EDITION》 オリジナルサウンドトラック 「Manie -Rebirth -」
please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste been around for a long long time stole many a man's soul
all \Give me one good reason /Why I should never make a change \Baby if you hold me /Then all of this will go away \My many
to go /But when I ask will you be com ing back soon /You don't know, nev er know \Well, I'm a man of many
VIBRATIONS " Recorded by: The Beach Boys 1966 This is a piece that I originally picked up on CServe and rearranged..as many
see too ma ny fa ces \Com ing in out of the rain /to hear the jazz go down \Too much com pet ition too many
Rising Sun @TThe Animals \There is a house in New Or leans /They call the ris ing sun /And it's been the ruin /of many
don't know how to take this /I don't see why he moves me /He's a man \He's just a man /And I've had so many