共找到 172 条结果
@LENGL @THERO @TMariah Carey @TMIDI sequence by Raphael Pungin \There's a he ro if you look in side your heart.
gente an da /di cien do por a hí /que tú qui sie ras /a cercar te a mi /Si tú su pie ras que /te quie ro
a no ko ka-e-te te-ko i de toh na-ga-re-bo-shi ni no-se sow-to yo-n de mi ta ta-re-mo ko-ta-e shi-i na-i yo shi-ro-i
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TAlways @TBon Jovi @TKaraoke by H.de Koning \this ro me o is bleed ing /but you can't
o ba o ba /Oh o o o o o /Oh a ri a ai o /O ba o ba oba \Mas que na da /Sai da mi nha fren te que eu que ro
mi cin tu ra /y mis la bios /pa ra cuan do quie ras be sar /te re ga lo mi lo cu ra /y las po cas neu ro
Thttp://www.geocities.com/wribeiro/karaoke.html \A go ra che gou a vez vou can tar /Mu lher bra si lei ra em pri mei ro
do na de mim /E do meu sen ti men to \É um bem que me faz /Ver vo cê é de mais /Eu me en tre go in tei ro
TKaraoke do Brasil - Familia Ribeiro - 1999 @Thttp://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/6197/karaoke.html \Pra ser sin ce ro
i- IDJi-iJlJ>l1l;i;QAQ -i-ro:wv.'vl.tan8.com/y Star Sky (?lm/.jI;lOm) if:.i{f-M-lj-:40505 -1l-:%'it';'_T-;UI\.? >!.
Guedes @TKaraoke do Brasil - Familia Ribeiro - 1999 @Thttp://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/6197/karaoke.html \An da, que ro
Ambulante - Raul Seixas @TKaraokê do Brasil - Família Ribeiro - 1999 @Thttp://www.geocities.com/wribeiro/karaoke.html \Pre fi ro
lYU.J\- HP +'ro/!-: S imorE *-11: W'''Ii. tan8. comly if-iit",,-lj-: 61498 .jAilt-& tl it: ;_ 7i Iv )1. \?
light up my life /You give me hope, to ca rry on /You light up my days /And fill my nights with song /Ro
Palleschi @LENGL @TAPURO1 \Daniel's karaoke 2001 /Son by four - A pu ro dolor \Per do na si te es toy /lla
C O M \Tu bo ca es mi u ni ca ley /tu bo ca de sa li va y miel /tu bo ca , /quie ro be sar tu bo ca \Tu bo
/Oh, what fun it is to drive /this rust y Chev ro let!
@TUnder the Boardwalk @TBette Midler (The Drifters) \Oh when the sun beats down and /melts the tar u pon the ro
ni \Dim mi co s'è, co s'è /che è for te, for te, for te /for te in fon do al cuo re \Che ci to glie il res pi ro
li on /'Cause li ons ain't the kind you /Love e nough \I just want to be /Your te ddy bear /Put a chain a ro