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动画片《哪吒传奇》片头曲,单轨可用于vocaloid,utau,synthesizer v调教 使用前可观看以下本人调教链接决定是否下载:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16Q4y1m7NL 欢迎关注我的
三色绘恋-if线-假若恋色嫣红的主题曲 请配合synthesizer v studio pro使用
你被骗了(指Synth Vocal)
BPM:120 采用Synthesizer V获取midi,再手动调整,总体应该差不太多,但还有些瑕疵,尽力了。
avogado1-Piano(high) avogado2-Piano(Low) avogado3-Percussion avogado4-Vocal(lyrics) avogado5-Bitrate square wave synthesizer
耳扒《小林家的龙女仆第二季》的OP《爱のシュプリーム!》人声总谱版本,适用于UTAU, VOCALOID, SynthV等虚拟歌姬引擎的调教。使用时,请务必在作品的简介里注明:MIDI@化学酱あずみ 谢谢合作。 愛のシュプリーム! -...
Optimized for MS Synthesizer playback by Computer Music HK ww.computemusic.com.hk
Optimized for MS Synthesizer playback by Computer Music HK ww.computemusic.com.hk Sequenced by Crimson, Feb. 1999 版權所有
用于调教的单通道midi文件 原曲PV:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV13r4y1Y7VU 作者b站个人空间:https://space.bilibili.com/396194 扒谱软件:Synthesizer
If you play it on a synthesizer that is earlier than the MU100, then it won't sound like the MIDI file that's MU100-recommended
季節の雫[XG] 製作者 メンチ 作成環境 YAMAHA DS-XG Synthesizer メンチ☆小屋 ホームページアドレス http://menti.sakura.ne.jp/
Exodus Modified by Kawa Hyou (Seer Xillion) Hi and Low Wood Block will take effect only in Yamaha XG Soft Synthesizer.
Send His Angels made by Peter Hanning U2*If God Will Send His Angels - Peter Hanning To be used with WinGroove Wavetable Synthesizer
the Gods Say 16.ワンダーラスト/Wanderlast 17.繰り返し一粒/One of Repetition 18.ACUTE 19.トリノコシティ/Torinoko City 20.ハッピーシンセサイザ/Happy Synthesizer
Optimized for MS Synthesizer playback by Crimson 1999 ( http://come.to/crimsonnet ) Sequenced by Crimson, Feb. 1999
A Vocal Edit made for use on vocal synthesizers such as VOCALOID, UTAU among others. Original song by Ryo (Supercell)...
A Vocal Edit made for use on vocal synthesizers like VOCALOID,UTAU among others. Original song by Niki feat. Lily
A Vocal Edit made for use on vocal synthesizers like VOCALOID, UTAU among others. Original song by Iroha (Sasaki) and...
Kebu the man with old school synthesizers