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@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @T Suzanne VOF De Kunst @T Door: Jeroen Strijb \We zit ten sa men in de ka mer /En de ste re
TMoça (Wando) @T(Karaoke by Lucia M.H.M.Leite) @T(Canta Brasil - http://www.geocities.com/lucialeite) \Mo ça, me es pe re
/I know they're gon na love it, Peg \I've got your pin shot /I keep it with your let ter \Done up in blue
che gar mui to lou co /Dei xa es sa noi te sa ber que um di a foi pou co \Cui da bem de mim /En tão mis tu re
/When you re quire street car de sire /for high er heig (c) 1994 INTERNATIONAL MIDI HITS Edizioni Milano Publishing
/Born a babe on Beth leh em's plain; \Gold we bring to crown Him a gain; /King fo re ver, ceas ing ne v er,
FILE @LENGL @TONLY THE BEGINNING @TChicago \When I'm with y o u, /It does n't mat ter where we are \Or what we're
/You're the on ly one who real ly knew me at all.
mo ments is all that we share /You've got your fa mily and they need you there \Though I've tried to re
@TThe Rolling Stones \My sweet La dy Jane /When I see you a gain /Your ser vant am I \And with hum bly re
love you live /I'll make a stand /I won't break /I'll be the rock you /Can build on /Be there when you're
\Oh can't you see me stan ding here, /I've got my back agai ns t the re cord ma chine \I ain't the worst
/We're gon na ce leb rate your par ty with you. /Come on now! \(Ce le bra tion!)
/Now I hear you're brag gin' one is not e nough. \Oh, some one tells me you're not sat is fied.
/Dec or at ions of red /on a green Christ mas tree /Won't mean a thing if /you're not here with me \I'll have
did n't hold you /all those lone ly, lone ly times \And I guess I never told you, /I'm so hap py that you're
/and let the day be gin \You are the sun shine /that lights /my heart with in \And I'm sure /that you're
/I re mem ber that ni ght in May /The sta rs were bri ght a b o v e /I' ll ho pe and I' ll pr ay /to keep
/But you're never home any more...
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