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worn out lines /A bout love at first sight \I never knew those words were true /'Til you walked in to o night
Grillo \There's a boy in my mind and he knows /I'm thin kin' of him /All my way to the day and the night
seem the same /For the heart of the crowd is gone from sight /My part of the crowd is not with me to night
me to grab /But lit tle does she know /That I'm a wolf in sheep's cloth ing /'Cause at the end of the night
Runn ing just as fast as we can , /Hold in' on to one a no ther's hand , /Try in' to get a way in to the night
MANEATEZ @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator @LENGL \She'll on ly come out at night
distribute edited version GM/GS file, Optimised for Roland SC-88 Pro or equivalents Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band (Album: Night
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TPure @TLightning Seeds @Tseq by Laurence Fenn - kar by Mike M \Night time slows, rain drops
you're go ne \There's a blade by the bed /And a phone in my hand /A dog on the floor /And some cash on the night
Editor @MDR SOFTWARE @E-mail: mdr@lgs.it \(M) Just look at you sit tin' the re /You nev er looked better than to night
lights are turned way down low / Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow / When we fin al ly kiss good night
TSam Smith - Stay With Me(2014) @TKar by Geoffrey Carter 6th August 2014 \Guess it's true /I'm not good at a one night
\While shep herds kept their watch ing, /O'er si lent flocks by night, /Be hold through out the heav ens, /There
Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TSELF CONTROL @TLaura Branigan \Oh the night
\Rhi an non rings like a bell through the night, /and would n't you love to love her?
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @KV0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TMUSIC OF THE NIGHT @TFrom musical
. / My heart Will Go On Only For You / E very night in my dreams / I see you, I feel you / That is how I know
Sleigh bells ring, are you listen in' /In the lane, snow is glisten ing /A beaut i ful sight, we're hap py to night
/And she's hot ev ery day and night, /there is no doubt a bout it.